Saturday, May 30, 2015

Here Be MORE Dragons

So a while back I did a marvelous "Here Be Dragons" collaboration with my friend Olivia Vaca (@vodkavaca on Instagram) and now it comes as no surprise that I've done another very different dragon. This post is really about how many directions you can take a concept in and how the variations are endless. On Youtube (the entire internet really), there are countless spins on timeless, classic looks. They are all creatively driven and can spark the mind, and I love that about makeup, and artistry in general.

At the top is the first dragon look, and at the bottom is my solo second attempt.



Friday, May 22, 2015

Mortal Kombat X Tribute




Lion King Anyone?

I have been in love with the Lion King since I was a baby, because the color usage is so bold and magnificent. Scar has to be one of the smoothest Disney villains, with Jeremy Irons' voice. Anyhow, this is my tribute to him!


Sunday, May 17, 2015

Shepard Fairey is Marvelous!!!

For my makeup final, I recreated Shepard Fairey's Rise Above Rebel on my face! What do you think?


Sometimes It Doesn't Work Out

If, as an artist, you continually test yourself, eventually you will come across a challenge that is... well, challenging. Something that takes a few tries to be satisfied with, and many more to be happy with the end result. This is the case with Mystique, which has always been a makeup look I have struggled with. Lots of people think "She's just blue, that's not difficult." Actually, that's what makes the look so hard, the monochromatic nature of it! I have failed at this look multiple times, but the best version of my attempts was one that I made in class a few weeks ago:

It's funny how when you take makeup off, you can learn a completely new technique. Like using latex to block off parts of your face flawlessly. 
